Take disciple-making training to the next level

This internship is designed for hands-on learning, offering tools and experience needed to multiply disciples and impact the world. Our student work and ministry internship is a unique training program for young adults. The program combines intensive ministry training as well as summer employment. There is limited space available.

Summer Internship is from May 10th to August 15th. The field internship generally takes place over the course of the international leadership trainings that we put on.


Learn at our Ministry Center in the beautiful Black Hills of Keystone, South Dakota (home of Mount Rushmore).


College students aged 18-25. You must also legally be allowed to work in the U.S.


No cost to be a part of the internship program! The Summer Internship program is a paid internship however the field internship is not.

Two young men standing side by side, smiling at the camera. One is wearing a white graphic T-shirt, and the other is in a yellow T-shirt, both appearing cheerful in an outdoor setting.Young person standing next to a large wooden cross atop a rocky hill, smiling and looking towards the camera. They are wearing jeans and a graphic t-shirt, with a scenic backdrop of lush green hills and rock formations under a cloudy sky.

Summer Internship

Accept the three-month challenge to live out the life of a disciple of Christ. Learn to walk in the Spirit, share your testimony, and be equipped in practical ways so that you can impact the world with the gospel. Whether you are a ministry major, not currently attending college, or have just graduated, we want to instill in you the essentials to launch a disciple-making movement and see the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

Live and work for a summer in Keystone, S.D., home of Mt. Rushmore and gathering place for over 3 million visitors each summer.

Receive The Keystone Project level 1 and 2 vision and equipping training for launching organic, missional, disciple-making movements.

Develop life-long friendships as you learn to work with others as a team.

Learn cross-cultural ministry as you work alongside and build relationships with non-Christian international students.

Work in various positions within the hospitality industry and experience a Christ-centered, business-as-mission environment.

Note: This program requires you to be able to legally work in the US. We do not process work visas for any applicants.

Field Internship

Embrace the opportunity to integrate your academic studies with hands-on ministry experience through The Keystone Project's Field Internship. This program is designed for students who wish to apply their academic knowledge in a practical ministry setting, while growing spiritually and contributing to the Great Commission.

Apply your field of study in a real-world ministry context.

Gain practical experience in non-profit ministry operations.

Learn and grow under the mentorship of experienced ministry leaders.

Engage in meaningful projects that contribute to the mission.

Develop a deeper understanding of Christian ministry and discipleship.

Note: This internship offers remote or commute options and is non-paid.

Group photo of four young adults smiling at the camera in front of the Mount Rushmore National Memorial. They are all close together, portraying a moment of friendship and joy.Three young men in a shallow stream during a baptism ceremony. The central figure, emerging from the water, is visibly emotional, supported by two others who are guiding him through the ritual. All are dressed casually in white and graphic t-shirts, set against a natural backdrop with greenery.

Compare Internships

Summer Internship
3 months
Experience a transformative summer of hands-on ministry work and spiritual growth.
Live and work for a summer in Keystone, S.D., home of Mt. Rushmore and gathering place for over 3 million visitors each summer
Receive The Keystone Project level 1 and 2 vision and equipping training for launching organic, missional, disciple-making movements
Develop life-long friendships as you learn to work with others as a team
Learn cross-cultural ministry as you work alongside and build relationships with non-Christian international students
Engage in missional activities with your coach and gain practical experience on the ground
Work in various positions within the hospitality industry and experience a Christ-centered, business-as-mission environment
Receive dedicated one-on-one coaching, ensuring personalized guidance
Paid Internship
Housing Provided
Start your application
Field Internship
1 month
Dive into a dynamic blend of academic application and ministry engagement.
Commute or Work remotely
Get college credit toward your degree
Learn the day-to-day operations of a non-profit
Receive The Keystone Project level 1 and 2 vision and equipping training for launching organic, missional, disciple-making movements
Receive dedicated one-on-one coaching, ensuring personalized guidance
Engage in missional activities with your coach and gain practical experience on the ground
Non-Paid internship
Start your application
Student testimonies
"It is here in Keystone that I came to discover my giftings, and I give glory to God."



"Coming here was a kairos moment for me.... I really knew--and I believe many [of my fellow students] agree with me--that this month was a month that God gifted us.... Even if we paid money somewhere else, we would not get the same kind of teaching, the same kind of moments, the same Spirit-filled people around us, and the same sense of God's Spirit among us.... This whole month was unlike any other month of my entire life that I could have ever spent before."



"The teachings here have been so profound and so deep, like I had not heard before. I have gone to Bible schools; I've gone to theological trainings, but these have been so outstanding, and I really praise the Lord for that."



"But after coming here and learning about discipleship, it has given me another view and understanding. It is not a matter of just evangelizing and filling your church; it is a matter of making disciples and making disciples and making disciples.... And we cannot do that on our own; we need the empowerment of the Holy Spirit."



"It is such a privilege for us [coaches] to come alongside Pastor Richard and really try to drive these truths home for [the students] so that they can implement these changes in their countries and in their communities."


South Dakota

“For me, it's a turning point in how I've always perceived and done the work of ministry and a truly refreshing kairos moment that I could not miss."



“I am now more comfortable in sharing the Gospel and my testimony with anyone than ever before. The Keystone Project taught me how to live according to the Scripture and gave me the tools and experience I needed to multiply disciples and impact the world."


Democratic Republic of the Congo

"Even if you preach the gospel every hour of your life, you can never reach all the nations of the world or fully obey the great commission. SO, make disciples that make disciples that will make disciples… that will take the gospel to remote villages, towns, cities, and nations of the world - SIMPLE!"



"By God’s grace we have prayerfully selected two young guys from our Asia Disciples Network to be the Mission Representatives for Srilanka with our mission team."



"I left there knowing deep inside my heart new things, renewed callings of discipleship and strength in knowing I was not alone, that many others thought the same things as I did. Our goal is not to be 'building' centered but to make disciples who make disciples."



"We appreciate this investment into our lives. You have become part of my life  because the impact of your ministry remains indelible. I am so glad that God has been helping me in lifting the curse and making disciples."



"After 32 years in Ministry, The Keystone Project Discipleship Training is the answer to the God-given dream to reach all of the several hundred First Nations Native Reservations in the United States and Canada for Christ Jesus by making disciples who make disciples."



"Discipleship is not a hype or something every Christ Follower should do, but discipleship should be ingrained in us through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Here at Keystone, you have the greatest opportunity to receive life-changing Spirit-filled teaching. Come with an open heart and willingness to learn and to be transformed."



“It’s almost three weeks since we left Keystone. I started reaching out to my children’s teachers, to make disciples within the school with the children and reach out to parents who have not accepted Christ. Please pray for Divine connections.”



“I can never thank God enough for Keystone. New, deeper, keener insight and more zest for the Kingdom.”



“God used every part of this summer--the work at the hotel, the community of interns, the training, the time with internationals--to introduce me to the Great Commission and give me a vision to carry even beyond this summer."



“I didn't truly understand the magnitude of the call of the Great Commission, and what it really means to live your life solely for the glory of God. Through the Keystone Project, not only did God change my mindset, setting it on mission for His Kingdom, but He changed my heart, igniting it for a much greater purpose than myself."



"I was able to see what God was doing here and take part in establishing the Kingdom of God in the lives of others while God was pressing His mission into my heart.  The internship was a perfect stepping stone to see how I fit into the plans of God."



“I attended Keystone in October 2009, which brought a great impact and transformation in my life and to many I discipled through this concept.”



Ready to make a generational impact?
When does the internship begin and end?

May 10 to August 14. It typically begins with orientation in early May and ends with graduation in mid-August.

Do I have to stay for the whole summer?

All interns are required to participate from May 11 to August 14.

Is this a paid internship?

The Keystone Project training focuses on launching disciple-making movements and the emergence of healthy, multiplying churches from the lives of committed disciples. It emphasizes a reliance on prayer, the empowering of the Holy Spirit, and multiplication at every level. It is universal in application and can be implemented in any cultural setting, regardless of financial resources or ministry position.

What jobs are involved?

All students will be employed by The Keystone Project Services, LLC., so all jobs will be limited to jobs in the hospitality industry (i.e. Front Desk Receptionist, Housekeeper, Maintenance, etc.).

How much money will I make?

Most of our staff is paid $15 an hour.

Are there costs involved with the internship?

The program costs us $500 per intern. We encourage our interns to raise support to be able to help cover some of these costs; however, we do not require or charge a program fee. You will be responsible for all of your own living expenses (food, housing, and transportation). Rent is only $100 per month.

If you are an international student coming with a J1 visa, there are additional sponsorship costs that can be between $2,500 to $3,000 USD, not including airfare. These sponsorship costs for the J1 visa are independent of the Keystone Project Internship Program.

What are the accommodations in Keystone?

The Keystone Project owns some trailers, each containing three bedrooms. Most bedrooms will house two interns, and a few will house three. Some interns may be housed with KP staff families. Rent is only $100 a month to cover utilities and maintenance. Everyone is free to bring their own transportation, but most of the things you will do will be within walking distance.

What does a typical schedule look like?

The first couple weeks consist of intensive training.  After that, you will be working a 30-40 hour work week. The rest of the time will be spent developing relationally with international students as much as possible. In addition, we will have 2 team meetings weekly, along with discipleship and accountability times.

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