Reach Asia: Sri Lanka

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July 8, 2018

Below is an update from one of our leaders in India who is working in Sri Lanka:

We have been working in Sri Lanka since 2011 and we have trained 16 leaders in and around Vovunia who have launched 16 disciple making movements. Many churches emerged out of these multiplying movements. The Lord then gave me a burden to work among Sinhala-speaking Buddhist people. So, we started a missionary training in Kandy in 2014. We have selected committed young people and we train them almost every Saturday and lead them to evangelize and make disciples among Sinhalese. Thus, our focus continues to be the unreached people groups of the nations.
We held multiple Vision Casting trainings to identify committed leaders who would multiply disciples among Sinhala-speaking Buddhist people. The Holy Spirit led me to meet many of the pastors and leaders in Kandy and share the vision of reaching 35,000 Sinhala Villages where more than 70% of Buddhists live without the Gospel. Many of them joined us and we launched a Sri Lanka Mission Team which consists of leaders and pastors who will translate our materials, to identify leaders, to train and coach disciples in the language of Sinhala.
Shanmugam Veeran
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