God is at Work!: Houston Team Update

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March 21, 2018

Written by: Catherine DuranGod is on the move in the city of Houston!Our Houston team bachelors met with a friend named Xiao from China and shared the gospel with him recently. His family is Buddhist but he doesn’t really believe or follow that religion. He was very curious about the things of God and our team prayed with him to find a roommate. A few weeks later…Praise God Xiao has decided to follow Jesus and renounce Buddhism! He believes that Jesus Christ died and rose from the dead. He is hungry for the Word that he says is coming alive to him. He said has felt different ever since our team members first prayed for him.


One of Joe’s disciples has agreed to host a consistent redemptive community in his home for Burmese men. These men are leaders in their community. Joe has cast the vision of disciple making to them. Please join us in prayer that these leaders will be men that will take up the Great Commission and walk in Spiritual awareness. Here’s a picture of their first meeting!

It’s undeniable that the Spirit of God is at work as our city teams walk in obedience.“This gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached amongst all nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14)

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