Call to Prayer-March 22, 2020

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Published on:
March 17, 2020

March 17, 2020

Dear Students, Coaches, Volunteers, and Staff,

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who alone is worthy to be praised and to whom belongs all glory and honor and dominion.

I am issuing a call to all Keystone Project staff, alumni, coaches, and volunteers to join us in a holy international convocation of prayer on Sunday, March 22, 2020. 

Wherever you are this Sunday, please take some time to help us circle the globe with a ring of Spirit-filled intercessory prayer, repentance, and humility before our great God. Pastors, I am asking you to set aside a special time of prayer with your congregations. Let us repent for the sins of the world and our communities, for hatred and violence, for human trafficking and slavery, for the evils of abortion, prostitution, and addictions to alcohol, drugs, and pornography, for corruption, for family abuse, for oppression against indigenous peoples, for division among God’s people, for selfishness and immorality, and for our failure to fully obey God’s laws and commands, especially concerning the Great Commission. This type of warfare prayer is called identificational repentance and is a biblical and powerful tool in the hands of the Holy Spirit to turn the hearts of the nations back to God. Daniel, who was one of the most righteous men who ever lived, stood in the place of repentance for the children of Israel while they were in captivity in Babylon (see Daniel 9). I strongly recommend the public reading of Daniel’s prayer from Daniel 9:3-19 in all the churches and assemblies this Sunday. The word of God promises us that if we will genuinely repent God will forgive, save and heal us (2 Chronicles 7:14).

The events of the past two months have highlighted for many of us the need to cry out to the Lord for His mercy, protection, and provision. These are unprecedented days which require an unprecedented response of prophetic faith, repentance, and powerful warfare prayer. We want to declare to principalities and powers in heavenly places that Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords and that we, His Church, are committed to fulfill the Great Commission. 

Thank you for your prayers and support for The Keystone Project. We love you and look forward to joining together with you in the Spirit this Sunday. May our God, who is above all, hear and answer the cries of His people!


Richard W. Greene


The Keystone Project, Inc.

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