City Teams Update by Tim Hutchinson, L.A. Team Leader

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March 14, 2020

March 2020 Newsletter

We are so thankful for the way God has been working in Lee's heart. In early December, Lee gave his life completely to the Lord for the first time! Lee is the first in his family to become a Christ follower. 

This was his immediate response:
- "I must tell my whole family about this!"
- "It's my job to tell others.”
- "I've been waiting a long time to do this.”
- "I feel something in my heart for the first time that I cannot explain!”

Lee has been faithfully sharing the gospel amongst unreached Vietnamese people in the states and in Vietnam. He was able to lead his son-in-law, Phouc, to the Lord last week! He will have the joy of baptizing Phouc in the coming days. 

Training Update:

It was great to have Richard Greene come and lead a training with 20+ local leaders in Southern California. These leaders have immediately focused their lives toward the mission. As a result of the training, leaders are currently working with sex trafficking victims in the city, unreached people groups on college campuses, and church leaders are focused on the need to equip and empower believers to live on the mission. We are grateful to come alongside them as they bring God's kingdom to the dark parts of the city. 

Prayer for our L.A. Team:

- For God's Spirit to move in the Muslim community 

- For Lee's disciples to make disciples 

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