West Africa Team Update

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March 14, 2020

March 2020 Newsletter

Please join us in praying for our West Africa Team! They are wrapping up coaching and follow-up work in the Ivory Coast. Their return to the United States is just around the corner.

We are so grateful to let you know that God has blessed this mission. There are at least six Ivorian teams extremely engaged in the vision of launching disciple-making movements in West Africa. We praise Jesus for this! God is taking these Spirit-led connections and using them to bring the gospel of the kingdom to the lost. Our work in West Africa will continue through apostolic leadership as they oversee the gospel of Christ fully preached in West Africa. Below you will find the highlights of the various missions and operations our West Africa Team will be monitoring from the United States.

  • Apostolic Force: This is a group led by Ghislain. They are working in Anono (a village near Abidjan) and have begun making the first generation of disciples in that area.
  • Four Square Pastors: God has blessed the team with a great Mission Partner in the Foursquare Church of Côte d' Ivoire. Will McCord did numerous trainings with them in different areas of the country.
  • Other missions teams: There are at least four team leaders from Pastor Francois' church. They are preparing to go to Divo and will be launching disciple-making movements.
  • Street ministry with kids: The West Africa Team has also been engaging on the mission themselves by evangelizing kids from the streets. Please pray that the Word of God may grow in these kids in the years to come.
  • Wassulu People: This is the unreached people group selected by some of the students that attended the training. We have significant leaders engaged in this mission. The current challenge is identifying their location. The team is working hard through prayer and research, but they have held off on taking a trip due to not knowing exactlywhere the people are.
  • Coaching Network: One of our chief objectives was to enlarge our network of coaches in the West Africa region. We are pleased with the results. There is an active and growing coaching network in West Africa ready to challenge and continue leading others to embrace the supremacy of the Great Commission.

As we look back, we recognize the faithfulness of God in letting us see the fruits of our team's labor. More than half of the team contracted Malaria while on the mission; God sustained them and allowed them to finish their race. We give thanks for their love and sacrifice demonstrated by their willingness to take up their cross and follow Jesus to the mission. I also want to thank you for standing with us through your donations and intercession. None of this can happen without your support and love.

To Him be the Glory!

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