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July 20, 2019

Dearest Coach. Thanks for all your prayers and the encouragement.
By the grace of God, the process of making disciples that make disciples has begun in earnest. Our third generation is presently progressing for the fourth generation. Presently, by God's grace and mercy, my wife and I are leading a team of 14 disciples on Mission into a Rural Community named Ben Town in Margibi County of Liberia presently till Sunday afternoon.

We shall be extending the love of Christ to the people through evangelism and social work. We are ever engaging the youth and women in the community. We trust the Lord for the life transforming power of the Gospel to be at work in our midst.

This is among the Bassa people group who are majorly traditional idol worshippers. We trust the Holy Spirit to move in there. Over time, we trust the Lord to raise disciples who will make disciples that make disciples among them. Will forward a detailed report during the week.

Thanks for all the encouragement.

Your disciple Olawale Odedele, Liberia.

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