How to Evaluate Cultural Traditions, and Practices

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August 22, 2019

How to Evaluate Cultural Traditions, and Practices

ByRichard W. Greene

As we work with people and groups from many different religious andcultural back grounds, we often encounter practices, traditions, and beliefsthat are very different from our own. Some are good and express the beauty andpositive character of the people. Others may not be good, and may, in fact, bevery detrimental to those who practice them. How can we, as disciples ofChrist, properly assess these things? Here are some key things we must evaluateto determine the biblical acceptability of any religious or cultural practice.

  1. What does Scripture say about it?
    1. Is this practice mentioned in theBible?
      1. Is it mentioned directly orillustrated?
      1. Is it mentioned in a list of otheractivities?
      1. Is it compared to other activities?
    1. What does the Bible say about thispractice?
    1. Are there examples of this activitybeing practiced by individuals or groups?
    1. Is the activity viewed favorably orunfavorably?
  2. What is the source of this practice?
    1. Source determines nature (John3:6).
    1. Is it from the Spirit (holy) or theflesh (common)?
    1. Does it involve an occultic act orartifact?
    1. Was it commanded, given, ordirected by God?
    1. Is it pure or syncretistic (mixed)in its current form?
    1. Has it been corrupted from itsoriginal nature?
    1. If corrupted, can it be redeemed?
    1. How does this practice reflectChrist and His will?
  3. What is the purpose and use of this practice?
    1. Is the primary purpose of thispractice religious or is it common (non-religious)? Is it necessary?
    1. Is it an “old thing” of the world,or is it a “new thing” of the Spirit (2 Corinthians 5:17-21)?
    1. Does the practice do somethingapart from God that God should be doing in your life?
    1. Is it used to promote God’s designsand purposes?
    1. Does this practice serve others oris it self-gratifying?
  4. What is the effect of this practice?
    1. Does this thing reveal and honorChrist?
    1. Does it glorify God?
    1. Does it divide people or unite them(Acts 15:13-29)?
    1. Does it generate holiness andcharacter?
    1. Is it a fruit of the Spirit or awork of the flesh?
    1. Does it bind me to unbelievers (2Corinthians 6:14-18)?
    1. Does it offend other believers(Romans 14)?
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