2021 August Newsletter

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August 30, 2021

Once again, it is our joy and privilege to greet you in the name which is above every other name – the only name by which we may be saved – the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior!

The Lord continues to bless us with so many opportunities to glorify His name in the nations and among those who desperately need Him.

The summer internship program has been a huge success. The young people who have been here are all being discipled and are constantly engaged in the work of the mission by reaching out to international J1 students and local youth. Pray for them to bear much fruit in these closing weeks of the internship.

We have begun a new redemptive community in Rapid City, based out of an apartment complex that has had its share of problems and challenges. Our team has been ministering to the residents with a prayer tent and personal connections, which we hope will lead to many disciples being made there. Having a steady, constant, and loving presence is a key to winning the trust needed to build solid discipling relationships. Pray for the team to be faithful and focused as they reach out.

Teen Challenge sent a team here (to The Keystone Project Ministry Center) on August 24 to introduce a program designed to reach Native Americans who are struggling with addictions. We are very excited about this, as there are virtually no programs geared for them in the entire region. Our hope is to see a center established under native leadership that will offer the hope and discipling needed to set the captives free and glorify God with many testimonies of changed lives.

Our Online Academy continues to grow under the leadership of David Saldivar. This endeavor is key to making our training available to the many people in the nations who could never come to Keystone, SD, nor come to one of our trainings in the nations. Please pray for more coaches and students as we seek to reach those on the frontlines of missionary work.

We are very excited to resume our International Leaders Training this year, October 4-29, here in Keystone. The seats are filling up, and we plan to have the teaching translated into Spanish. This is the time to register for this training, which is open to US, Canadian, and international people desiring a more intimate and powerful walk in the Spirit for the purpose of launching movements of multiplying disciples. You can apply at our website, www.keystoneproject.org.

All of this and the many other things we are doing are made possible by your prayers and support. The Keystone Project never charges for its services or ministry and has nothing to sell. Freely we have received, freely we give. We can truly testify that when you trust God to meet your every need, He will never fail you! May He receive all glory and honor! In Jesus’ Name!

Richard W. Greene
President, The Keystone Project, Inc.

Pray for laborers!

Last month, we got to baptize one of our interns who was heading home early to get back to school, and then at the beginning of this month, we also got to baptize three more of our interns!

We have been so blessed to see such a tremendous growth and transformation in them over the course of these few short weeks. Please pray that the work that God has done in them this summer would continue as they go back to their families and friends and that they would be fruitful in transforming their communities as well.

As always, God is on the move, and we are living in expectancy every day that He is going to show up and do that which only He can do. Please pray that we would be alert and ready for when He does show up, so that we may not miss any opportunity that the Lord has provided for us.

We are continuing to reach out to the internationals that God has placed in our lives. Last month, we celebrated Christmas in July, and one of our co-workers, who is a follower of Islam from Kazakhstan and whom we have been sharing the Gospel with, was gifted a Bible in his own language. He then spent many hours late into the night reading the Bible. Please pray that God would touch him in a powerful way and change his heart.

Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth… You are the Light of the world… Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and so glorify your father who is in heaven.” We know that salt and light have a transforming effect on their immediate context. Please pray that we, as disciples, would live transformational lives that would change the situations and peoples around us for the glory of God.

Thank you!

James Greene
Internship Coordinator

Praying and Preparing for a Full Training Season!

As we come to the close of a busy, impactful summer, The Keystone Project team is looking forward to everything God has in store for this fall and the upcoming year. In just a little over a month, we will be welcoming students from several different nations and gearing up for our first month-long training in two years! At this point, we already have 33 confirmed students who are registered for this training, which will take place from October 4 - 29, 2021. While 19 of these students are traveling within the US, we still have 14 international participants who have booked tickets to attend this training.

These US students are coming from Minnesota, South Dakota, Texas, Iowa, and California, and the other nations represented so far include Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, Guatemala, Ecuador, and Costa Rica. As we prepare for the training over this next month and cover it in prayer, please join us in lifting it up to the Lord – that the right students would confirm their attendance and that even more nations would be represented here. Please pray that the Holy Spirit would do a transformational work in each student, so that their communities and nations would be reached with the gospel of the kingdom.

In addition to the October Training, we are also looking forward to another full calendar next year! The following trainings are published on our website and are open for applications:

Please note that the trainings in January and May are only open to residents of the US and Canada; however, both local and international participants are welcome to apply for any of our International Leaders Trainings. If you are interested in applying, please go to the Training Events page of our website and fill out the Training Application Form. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions. Thank you for your prayers for all our staff and volunteers, for the students they will pour into, and for the disciples those students will make; we pray that those disciples will multiply and bear much fruit in the nations for God’s glory!

Dustin Stuckey
Training Coordinator

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