A Multiplication Movement in a Surprising Place...

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February 22, 2013

As the Keystone Project Program Director, I serve as a resource person to our various trainers and movement leaders. I am hoping to begin sharing short stories on a more regular basis from the reports that I get from leaders around the world.Below is a excerpt from a recent prayer letter of one of our leaders. It is a clear example of the strategic power of prayer and finding a "person of peace" who can unlock an entire people group to the gospel. Can you guess what country and city this missionary team is serving in? It is probably not where you think."Last month we asked you to pray for [non-Christian] leaders by name; that the Holy Spirit would convict their hearts of the truth of the cross and they would be broken for the Kingdom. Specifically we asked you to pray for Kopa a leader of the Nepali people here in [our city].Two of the members of our team felt that God was leading them to go and lay hands on Kopa, praying for him and asking for healing. Over the next week he was healed of his lung issues and attributed it to the power of Jesus Christ. As the two returned to follow up with Kopa, he and his wife both were willing to renounce their Hindu god and give their lives to follow Jesus alone.Maybe even more important than that is that Kopa is the patriarch of his family. His family has more than 45 people in it, 7 of them are his sons. Several of his daughter-in-laws were already led to Christ by our team and were praying for his conversion. His last interaction with our mission team was that both he and his wife felt that the Spirit had convinced them that because of their position, they needed to be responsible for taking the message of Christ to their family. Praise God for working in their hearts. Please pray that God would use him to change the lives of many. Please pray also that as they are baptized it would be a moment of change in the lives of others.Please continue to pray for Abdul Sattar*, the leader of the Burmese Muslims. One of the members of our team has had the Holy Spirit open the door for friendship with him. Now two of our disciples are working together to reach this man. If he comes to Christ, the entire mosque will follow."Have you figured out what country this report is from? Click here to find out and to watch a short video on the work of this missionary team.*Name changed for privacy

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